Moments We Love, Poetry by Balroop Singh

Moments we love coverBalroop Singh has released a new poetry collection, and that’s an event that’s worth the attention of contemporary poetry lovers. Ms. Singh has a unique style, one I can appreciate as a short story writer. Her work is generally free verse, unrhymed, resulting in an effect that manages to achieve denseness, with no wasted words, and is at the same time accessible to the average reader. No obscure allusions will slow the reader down or make them scratch their heads. You don’t have to understand what happened at Thermopylae to “get” her work.

The other hallmark of her poems I’ve noticed is that the focus is largely on the interior life. She includes descriptions of the exterior world, of course, but they mostly serve to illuminate the emotional state of the poet, and by extension, the reader. My favorite poem in the collection is Moments that Glow. I’m going to reproduce it here in its entirety since it’s only three stanzas long:


“Blissful moments of togetherness,

Soft reminders of love,

Add glow to the setting sun

When we walk toward horizon


Each moment magnifies our ecstasy,

Each moment a new dream,

Wafts around me

Mingles with your breath


Your breath brightens my passion,

Redefines my love,

I want to clasp these moments

To never let go.”


You can read more of Ms. Singh’s work by checking out the Look Inside here:

Happy reading! : )

Avid writer and reader of Faerie tales and noblebright fantasy.

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14 comments on “Moments We Love, Poetry by Balroop Singh
  1. A lovely review of Balroop’s book, Cathleen.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What a gorgeous love poem! I enjoy Balroop’s poetry style and have read several of her books. I like your description of Balroop’s poetry – right on.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. balroop2013 says:

    What a pleasant surprise Cathleen! You made my morning tea sweeter with those lovely words about the style of my writing. I like your favorite poem too as it captures the most cherished moments that fleet by before we savor them, only realising their preciousness later in life. Many thanks for reading and writing a thoughtful review, as always. 🙂 Stay blessed.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Lovely review and beautiful poem! ❤ Must share! xo

    Liked by 1 person

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