
v65oai7fxn47qv9nectx_reasonably_smallTwitter is my favorite social media so far–maybe because it’s so easy. There’s not much to set up, and you can just pop in and tweet in odd moments, so there’s not much in the way of time commitment.

However, it’s a great way to connect with people, and it’s where I’d suggest starting if you’re a complete social media newbie.

I Tweet @CathleenTowns.


Twitter1Getting Started on Twitter: This post walks you through signing up and some of the early advice I gleaned before even beginning tweeting.

Posting a Photo on Twitter: Tweets with images receive more attention and retweets. Here’s how to add an image to your tweet.

TwitterbrainLessons Learned in a Thousand Tweets: covers Direct Messages, your Twitter feed, and the importance of double-checking your tweets. A good post to read after you’ve already gotten your feet wet.

0000000079Getting Over the Two Thousand Follower Roadblock: Being able to follow over two thousand people on Twitter can be a pain. According to Twitter Support “… every user can follow 2000 people total. Once you’ve followed 2,000 users, there are limits to the number of additional users you can follow: this limit is different for every user and is based on your ratio of followers to following.” This post tells you how to get past this hurdle.

twitterbuttonTwitter–One Line Wednesday is a single hashtag that I recommend for writers. I’ve noticed that scanning my book for tweet-able snippets has resulted in looking at my manuscripts with new eyes, and I’ve made some positive revisions as a result. It’s well worth the time spent to check it out.

bighobbTwitter Encounter with Robin Hobb is my single celebrity interaction of any significance. Ms. Hobb encouraged my writing efforts in such a kind way, which was incredibly validating. I give you all the details and the text of the conversation in the post.


clockAnd for us temporally impaired sorts, I have How to Use Twitter Effectively without Having to Read Your Twitter Feed. This is how to use Twitter as a grace note to your blogging, in a way that hardly takes any time and will be greatly appreciated by all who labor over crafting blog posts.


hashtagHow to Use Twitter Hashtags to Gain Followers and Build Your Audience: Don’t just randomly add people to your account. Use hashtags to find tweeters who share your interests. Build a following of folks who’ll want to read your tweets.


7 comments on “Twitter
  1. jessmcombs says:

    I never thought I would have a Twitter… then I made an account and said I’d never use it! That was true up until a couple months ago, when I started my blog and saw how many other bloggers use Twitter. So I gave a real shot… and now I love it! I also made a Facebook page but I don’t really like using it. Twitter is so much easier and you can connect with so many more people!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Just discovered your blog via Twitter, so I guess it’s good for something!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. And now I’ve found your blog, too. We’re a small Twitter success story. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Gary says:

    Just connected on Twitter now too 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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