Book Reviews


Other than classics, I’ve read mostly fantasy (my top picks still being LOTR, Patricia McKillip, and Terry Pratchett), although I’ve also read many of the pivotal science fiction works such as Foundation, Hitchhiker’s Guide, Dune, and Stranger in a Strange Land.

I like history enough that I’ll read it straight, especially biographies, and I enjoy historical fiction, although I like historical fantasy even better. I tend to shy away from too much explicit sex, and I don’t read erotica at all. I’m not a good choice to review a book that’s actively hostile to any major religion or treats women as objects a la Bond. I won’t read anything that whitewashes rape or abuse.

The good news is that I won’t post a negative review, so you have nothing to lose by asking me. I just won’t finish the book. Life is too short to read books I don’t like.

However, I’m not currently taking requests for reviews unless we’ve already connected through blogging or Absolute Write.



Suiko and the Puzzle Box by S. Hunter Nisbet



Prayers Were No Help by Paul Lawrence



Normalish by Margaret C. Lesh

What’s In a Name by Sally Cronin



The Between: Changeling’s Choice by LJ Cohen

Catling’s Bane by D. Wallace Peach

Christmas Yet to Come by Marian Perrera

The Genie Hunt by M.C. Tuggle

Magic’s Stealing by Stephanie Flint

Oathbreaker’s Guild by D. Wallace Peach

Vampyrie by Tina Frisco



Dog Bone Soup by Bette A. Stevens

The Edge of Nowhere, by C.H. Armstrong

A Thing of Beauty by Bianca Schwarz



Send Sunshine by Jessica Edouard



Addicted to Dimes by Catherine Townsend-Lyon



Better Blogging with Photography by Terri Webster Schrandt



The Heart’s Lullaby by Natalie Ducey


Science Fiction

Abendau’s Heir by Jo Zebedee

Inish Carraig by Jo Zebedee

Just a Minor Malfunction edited by Michael S. Alter



Twenty-Four Days by J. Murray


7 comments on “Book Reviews
  1. I like that you’ve established your boundaries.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It looks like we share tastes in books, Cathleen. Lots of great authors there, and of course Tolkien is my favorite, too 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Sorry these two comments slipped under my radar. I haven’t checked this page in a while. Book reviews are something I need to do more often. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ann Coleman says:

    Have you ever tried any of Andrew Taylor’s historical mysteries? I like some of his books more than others, but he’s a very good writer.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Yes, although I’m booked for the next month, and I’m mostly sticking to fantasy these days. I read your short story, so if you have something like that, it’s a possibility. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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